byf forgetful && dumb asf, acts before thinking, swears depending on if the person is okay with it or not, may come off as an attention seeker, kinda cringy, messy asf, procrastinates a lot, tame mene && shinobu kocho kinnie ( iykyk ) , self slanders!
dni homophobic, racist/xenophobic, ableist, catfisher, MAP, pedo, can't take opinions, toxic in general for no reason, seggsual in a non joking way, mental illnesses = cool, probably will add more here once i remember!


tbh idrc much about the toxic side cause i think we all should know by now that the internet is going to be the internet but uhh anygays life is roblox n the content the good side makes on the platform gives me life
ngl if i hadn't found those two itsfunneh fanfics back in my krew phase i woulda never met the people i know now today ( if yalls see this ermmm thanks for letting me know you cool ahh ppl exist ilyasm <3 ) n plus the x readers are fun and give me random ideas with scenarios lmao
mkay but like was i the only one who as a kid liked when i ended up accidentally waking up earlier than my fam n seeing the dark sky slowly fade into blue and the sun appearing feels rather calming n my brain could become more imaginative in this kinda setting y'know? i think i went off track a bit but ig you get the gist of this one


roblox, any video games in general, gamercore, rain, sunrises/sets, noodles, art, fanfiction, pastel colors, chaos, my followers n anybody i follow on wp, memes, cold places, gacha!


bugs/insects, spiders, toxic ppl, homophobia, racism, hot places, puke, irl romance ( i don't mind anyone in actual relationships though ) , my dad ( got some secret beef with him frfr ) , drama!